Don’t lose hope

  • Episode 3
  • 09-11-2022
  • 08 Min Read
Don’t lose hope

Heard the story of a man who vowed to offer the deity, the price of his new house? The man had just completed a pretty big house, investing all the resources he had. The house warming day was also fixed and he was crossing the river, seriously thinking about the arrangements required to receive the guests. Without any warning, there appeared a storm followed by heavy rain. The man and his little boat were in the middle of the river and the boat was almost sure to sink, which meant that the man also was going to perish. He called his favourite God and vowed to sell his house and spend the money among the poor, provided his life was saved. Quite miraculously, a calm appeared and the storm and rain pulled out. He was saved! He reached the other side of the river quite safely.

He but was sad on his vow. All his resources were used to build this house and selling it meant that he is becoming homeless. Still, he was not ready to live hopeless. He knew a wise wizard, who was also a court jester. He went to him and told him all that happened. The jester told him that there is a way out and the man is not going to lose everything. He told him that he cannot save himself from sparing the house, because he had already vowed to sell it. The jester told him to do as he has vowed – sell the house. But sell the house only with your pet dog. Fix the price of the dog 1000 gold coins and the price of the house, 1 gold coin. I understand that what you have promised to spend among the poor is what you get for the house. Here, all that you lose is one gold coin. Here, you will have enough to construct another.

We know that there are smart jesters like him everywhere. The court jester could have saved the man, but he never would be able to understand the divine plans on things here. One way to understand this plan is living in trust and infinite patience.

Here is the story of young man who walked into the forest to commit suicide. As he reached a pretty open space, he looked up and said, “God, please give me just one legible reason to avoid committing suicide.” Surprisingly, he heard the voice of God from the heavens. God said, “Look around. Do you see grass and bamboo?” “Yes, God!”

“It was with utmost care and concern that I planted both. I gave them light and water. The grass sprouted fast and quickly spread all over the ground, changing the very nature of the ground. But nothing happened to the bamboo. Years passed one by one – two, three, four… nothing happened. Still, I kept relentlessly giving all it may want. In the fifth year, I saw something bulging out. In the 6th month, it had grown 100 feet high. All those five years, the bamboo was growing its roots, enough to hold the plant when it grew high. I did not leave neither grass nor bamboo. Never compare yourself with another. Your purpose is different from the other. It is when all the elements come together that the forest turns beautiful.”

“How much should I grow God?” asked the man.

“As much as you can.” God said.

Both these stories of the man who vowed to sell his new house and the other who went out to end his life say that there always is a way out and the divine plan on everything in Nature is always that of growth and prosperity.

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