Do it yesterday

  • Episode 26
  • 29-11-2022
  • 10 Min Read
Do it yesterday

Most of those in business, whom we all know may have a lot of challenge stories to share. It was after 30 long years that I could meet this old friend for a leisurely chat. At a very young age itself, he had dared to resign from a lucrative job in the public sector and initiate his own business. Every time we met, he always cared to share some strange experiences.

That day, we spent almost two hours together. Those Malaysian experiences he shared were quite motivating and teaching. He spoke about his experiences with a printing press there, where he had gone to get some brochures printed. He said that it was one of the best printing companies in Asia. First time he was there, he had seen its owner in the compound and he just looked like one of the guys working there.

The second time he went there, the owner invited him to visit the printing section. After showing him all the different offices, departments and machineries, he told my friend that he had two purposes. The first was proving him that they have the capability to handle any type of orders, big or small and next he wanted to show my friend, how respectfully they manage each work. Their machines were the best in the world and most of them were installed in a/c halls. He also told me that in Malaysia people generally finish their orders a day before. But instead of the sweet words they speak and the respect they show, they begin work only if the required advance amount is remitted in the office. Only then the required consent is passed from the finance department.

Growing with the client is the general Malaysian industrialists’ policy. He told my friend that leading companies get millions of copies printed in their press, at the very estimate they prepare. He told my friend that it is because of the level of credibility they maintain.

My friend told me that he had noticed this man smelling the Indian brochure he had brought along and showing a long face. He said that they could easily identify the quality of ink used. He also told my friend that there are strict quality control methods and each product has to go through all the tools. My friend casually told me that it is time for all Indian industrialists, crying for poor business, to introspect. The important questions every business man/woman needs to ask oneself are:

1) Do they complete each work, always a day early?

2) Do they keep all quality standards strictly?

3) How wise are they in money management?

4) How do you settle complaints – in favour of the client? These are the points where an industry should be built upon. I appreciate Albert Einstein for his unique vision. It was he who said, “Without changing our patterns of thought, we will not be able to solve the problems that we created with our current patterns of thought.”

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