Seasons come and go; we keep on exchanging greetings, gifts, regards and wishes…..never knowing that we are to heal the causes we have created; never knowing that the time we miss is valuable; never knowing that the bullet with our name on it is already hid close by.
For Henry Ziegland, ending a long relationship with his girlfriend was nothing so hurting. He chose to avoid his long held sweet relationship in 1983. It was too much for the girl friend, who could not outrun this shock. She simply took her own life and responded. Her distressed brother ran to Henry’s house, to take revenge upon him. No sooner than he saw Henry out in the garden, he aimed at him and pressed the trigger of his revolver. Fortunately, the bullet passed grazing Henry’s face and got embedded itself on a tree trunk nearby.
Almost twenty years later, in 1913, Henry decided to uproot this particular tree in his garden, using dynamite. The explosion propelled the bullet from the tree, straight into Henry’s head – killing him on the spot.
Nature knows better lines of protection too….just on your name. On 5th December 1660, a ship sank in the straights of Dover - the only survivor was noted to be Hugh Williams. On 5th December 1767, another ship sank in the same waters - 127 lost their lives, the only survivor was noted to be Hugh Williams. On 8th August 1820, a picnic boat capsized on the Thames - there was one survivor - Hugh Williams. On 10th July 1940, a British trawler was destroyed by a German mine - only two men survived, one man and his nephew - they were both called Hugh Williams.
There are many situations in life which neither science nor philosophy explains amicably. These all are occasions that remind us that Nature has a distinct style of operation and we invariably need to face the bullet with our name on it. Good, if are aware of the causes we keep creating every moment. A cause has an effect; the rule is the same in the spirit world and the matter world. That is why sinners are doomed to hell and saints get into the heaven. The way Nature help us to face the effect is inexplicably mysterious. Rather than going into the anatomy of this mystery, it is easy and feasible to live without creating causes that inversely affects our fate.