The faster we get amalgamated into the charm of present day fancies the more we are deprived off many precious things in life. In another ten years, we might be totally cut off from many of the services we now enjoy. Neither the post offices nor the booking offices could be there in the future; courier companies and online services have already swallowed better part of it. The new generation is addicted to ATMs and they also simply do not read news papers or books. Who wants a landline connection now? Land lines already have become a household ornament. TVs are under constant threat! Our practice of stacking everything in hard disks, CDs and pen drives are also getting ready to pack off. The world is going to be enshrouded by ‘clouds’. Your operating system will directly be tied to the internet and your stock will be saved in the ‘clouds’. Our privacy is sure to vanish in the clouds. The frightening thing is that an entire world submits to the mercy of a few giant service providers, to whom we are destined to pay heavy subscription fees too. Our memories might continue unless Alzheimer takes over that too.
The world as a whole has gone so topsy-turvy that if it was man who shot the fox so far, now it is the fox that shoots the man. Quite recently, the strange story of a farmer was reported. The young farmer went to a nearby forest to hunt. He wounded a fox in the leg but to spare the skin, he hit the animal with his rifle butt. The struggling animal (may be accidental) triggered a shot that hit him in the chest and killed him instantly. An investigation agency has stated that we are infected by the worst of viruses, the Gullibility Virus. Because of this irregular Internet Phenomenon, we have not only begun believing all nonsense that appears in the internet without another question on its credibility but also have begun living half-foolish.
The former USSR President could be the best example of this virus disaster. He is said to have read a full speech on culture, instead of the one on science at a South Russian science conference. Another anecdote on him says that he once spoke for six hours, unknowingly reading the carbon copy too. Why blame others? Don’t we also like to write 'portable hand-held communications inscriber’, instead of ‘pencil’ when preparing our shopping list? Undoubtedly, all these innovations are only going to put us in chains, more or less leading to the experience of one Michael J. Schmidt, a man living in Superior, had. Because he had been burglerised several times, he thought he could catch the culprits in the act of installing a hidden camera. He set up one at his home; the burglars came back and were captured on tape, which Schmidt turned over to the sheriff. Among the items the burglars took from Schmidt's house was a box containing eight marijuana plants. Schmidt was charged with misdemeanour drug possession and arrested. ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’ ……. but I’m not that sure about the current digital clouds.