"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." -Walter Winchell
All of us are aware of the beauty of a true and lasting friendship. Everyone wants a friend, a friend to share joys and sorrows with, a friend to care and support in need. A friend is someone who makes our life worthwhile and better. True friendship counteracts the effects of increasing hostilities, mistrust and hatred between nations, communities and people. Says Pietro Arentino: "I keep my friends as misers do their treasure, because, of all the things granted us by wisdom, none is greater or better than friendship."
But finding a true friend is not easy. Maintaining a good friendship is as important and as difficult as finding a good friend. The best way to have good friends is to be a friend first. We shall not lack good friends if we are able to reach out to others in need, to understand and accept people with their differences, to have a caring, kind and compassionate heart.
Maintaining good friendship requires the virtue of honesty on the part of both the friends. True friendship is an open book on which the strengths and weaknesses of the friends are written. There is no secret that cannot be shared among friends. Nor is there any hidden agenda or motives in friendship. A friend is to be praised honestly, and criticised honestly. An honest friend never speaks behind your back, but is always open and forthright. He is not afraid to say 'sorry' when he hurts you. Many good friendships have broken up because of the dishonesty on the part of one or both friends. The Great Buddha says: "An insincere friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind."
The basis of good friendship is love and therefore where there is no love, there is no true friendship. Selfish friendship lasts only a while. It is like a bubble ready to break up any time. On the contrary, unconditional and sincere love can withstand any storms in a friendship. A loving friend is there when we need someone. He listens when we want to share our frustrations, he cheers and encourages us when we are down and out; he gives us hope when we reach the end of the rope. A friend always makes us feel special. “One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives," says Euripides