“A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.” – Mahatma Gandhi.
Recently I was in a video conference with a team regarding the launch of an online newspaper as part of a social network site. Initially most of the team members approached the idea with scepticism. Why should there be another online newspaper? Can we compete with the already existing giants in the field? Will people patronise it? But there was one person, the founder of the network site, who displayed tremendous optimism and confidence in the idea. His remarkably strong positive attitude changed everyone's outlook and soon the entire team was convinced that the idea will work and that it was the need of the hour. Everyone agreed that there was no going back on the project. That's the power of positive thinking.
Positive thinking is an important ingredient for success. Any successful person in any field would tell you that, among other things, his/her positive frame of mind contributed to reaching his/her present status. Positive attitude is directly linked to optimism, self confidence and success. Winston Churchill had said: “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” An optimist sees the invisible, tries the unreachable and achieves the impossible. It has its contagious effect as one person's positive thinking affects others and helps them change their pessimism into optimism, defeatism into success, impossible into possible. It's an essential staple for the success of any venture.
People with a positive attitude always get many good friends around them as they generate positive energy, instil confidence and help achieve success and happiness. Negativism, on the contrary, creates negative moods, unhappiness, frustration, failure, disappointment and loneliness. Says Willie Nelson: “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having positive results”.
It is important that we clear our minds of all pessimistic, defeatist and negative ideas and thoughts and pump in positive ones in their place. The difference between success and failure can be a fine line and that is often determined by our positive or negative thinking, as W. Clement Stone says: “There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.”