Maya in effect
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- 29-11-2022
- 02 Min Read
Our world of experience has been filled with contradictions. Pain and pleasure, love and hatred, sorrow and happiness, life and death are some of the familiar contradictories to be experienced by everyone in day today life. One and the same object is capable to provide either one or the other of the contradictories at one occasion. For example a lover who gives pleasure at a time point ‘t1’ provides pain at a time point ‘t2’. Naturally it is not possible to assert what it would be given at ‘t3’.
In such a state of experience, a person must always be in a state of anxiety due to the uncertainty provided by the object in question. The uncertainty and the resulting anxiety makes us unable to define an experience; that is, an object that possesses contradictory qualities cannot be defined. The indefinability of our experience makes us to go through incessant sorow and suffering. Therefore, Maya has been defined as ‘Anirvachaniya’, which means indefinable.
This indefinability is the cause of anxiety and anxiety is the cause of stress, strain and suffering. The present task before any HR Management expert is to reduce stress and strain as a prelude to maintain harmony. A person, who is under the grip of Maya, will never be able to enjoy happiness because uncertainty is just incapable to provide harmony and happiness. Hence, anyone who wants to enjoy happiness has to overcome the obstructives of Maya.
Anxiety has been considered as the most serious problem to be encountered by majority of humans of the present century. It has been diagnosed as the root cause of most of the psychosomatic diseases. But modern medical science is helpless to find out a practical solution to this problem, because it has no panacea to offer to enlighten the grey areas of the cause of anxiety. Since Maya is indefinable and since anything indefinable remains opaque, it is not possible to get a transparent idea about Maya.
But if something remains as opaque before us, then nobody can remain satisfied without finding a means to know what it is. Religion, Philosophy, Science, Literature, Art and all such human efforts are there to offer a proper tool to solve this vital issue. That is why all these human efforts are at the revelation of truth, because truth alone shall make us free from the burdens of mystery. Religion believes that right faith is the effective tool to shed light to resolve the mystery of misery and suffering. Science propagates that the right scientific method, whatever be its definitions and consequent descriptions, is the only tool to know truth at least as a justifiable belief. The endless efforts of the poor mortals to know the ‘said to be’ truth can be seen in the form of art, literature etc. But the patterns of life still remain unchanging amidst its mystery.
These texts are as given by Dr K S Radhakrishnan, a renowned writer and an voracious reader, during 2010-2014. These posts help us dig into the inner meanings of Indian culture, Scriptures and heritage.