Lessons from a Frog Tale
Acharyasri Dr. Sachidananda Bharati
- Unusual Turns / 44
- 29-11-2022
- 02 Min Read
A group of frogs were hopping through the woods. Unfortunately, two of them fell in a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the pit to see what could be done to help their companions. When they saw how deep the pit was, the group agreed that it is hopeless to try saving them and told the two frogs in the pit that they are as good as dead. Unwilling to accept this terrible fate, both the frogs began to jump up with all their might, while the other frogs shouted that it is useless. The two frogs continued jumping as hard as they could and finally they became tired. One of the frogs somehow decided to drop the idea of escaping; lay down at the bottom of the pit and died as the others looked on in grief.
The remaining frog but continued jumping with every ounce of energy it had, although its body was wracked with pain and was completely exhausted. His companions yelled more loudly asking it also to accept its' fate. The weary frog but was found jumping harder and harder. Quite astonishingly, it finally sprang from the pit. Amazed, the other frogs celebrated its' miraculous freedom. The other frogs asked it,
"Why did you continue jumping when we all told you that it was impossible?" Reading their lips, the astonished frog explained to them that it don't hear what they say.
It further said that it thought they were cheering him on. What the deaf frog had perceived as encouragement inspired it to try harder and to succeed against all odds.
This simple story contains two powerful lessons. First, it tells us the impact of your encouraging words that might lift someone up and help him or her make it through the day. The lesson reminds us that any word carelessly pronounced could be as dangerous as a nuclear bomb. The next lesson from the story is that we need to be a little careful when facing discouraging environments.
Acharyasri Dr. Sachidananda Bharati is an Air Force Squadron leader turned sanyasi, who represented India in the United Nations assembly of religious leaders from across the world. He has written many books and has travelled extensively.