I remember an old advertisement; it was, ‘guitar, for sale ... cheap ... no strings attached’. This came to my mind as I thought of the uneven modern life, where most of us express ourselves with the strings of values detached. It could be because of the false assumption that power, name and money are the only requirements that counts in a real life. The strings are the parts that make a guitar a guitar. Just for the sake of money and power we see people compromising everywhere. They interpret and reinterpret Scriptures, etiquettes, traditions, rules and what not, the way it fits their limited conscience and logic. Quite recently I heard a strange news from USA.
A small Base Ball Club - Lennox Little League happened to be in big financial troubles. The one-square-mile community near Los Angeles runs a Little League with about 300 kids. The doubled field-usage fees imposed by the School District really was the beginning of their woes. It was then that they received a donation offer of $1,200 from Jet Strip cabaret. Officials from the Lennox Little League but decided that taking $1,200 from cabaret was inappropriate and they rejected this offer. Lennox Little League could not forget the way Jet Strip earned money. Their main income source is lap dance shows of pretty girls; the ticket charges are $30 for topless and $40 for full open. What that surprised most was the news that Little League was not the only group to refuse donations from them. Remember that this happened in USA, where most cities are more or less in the ‘sin city’ class.