Better or Best
Acharyasri Dr. Sachidananda Bharati
- Unusual Turns /
- 29-11-2022
The two young Fighter Pilots had their first real war-time operational experience. They returned to their base, flying high speed. They were ver
y excited, and did two 'victory rolls' over the base before landing. This was the way of telling the world that they had 'done it. Most 'dare devil' Fighter Pilots who returned to the base after a successful 'operation" did such show off 'victory rolls' before landing.
To their great surprise, the Air Traffic Controller asked them to proceed to the southern most corner of the Tarmac where they were received by their Flight Commander and two Air Force Police Sergeants. An Air Force Police Jeep was also waiting. The young Fighter Pilots were told that they were 'under arrest' and were asked to get into the vehicle. Station Commander were waiting for them. There was a deadly silence as they were ushered in. The AOC In C was standing in front of the Radar Screen that showed a large convoy moving across a long bridge.
You bloody fools!... Your order was to destroy the bridge... Why the hell did you go to strafe the convoy?" shouted the Station Commander at the top of his voice. Sir, there were 50 enemy ammunition trucks moving towards our border. We went after
them' told the 'leader' among the two. 'So bloody what ? See, now 100 trucks are moving towards the border. If you had gone for the bridge none would be able to cross the river. The Station Commander told the Poverty and Corruption leader, pointing his finger at the Radar Screen. The young Fighter Pilots understood their blunder. But it was too late... The Army had lost that battle, and had to resort to a strategic withdrawal.
'Selection and maintenance of an aim' is the first principle of war taught in Military Academies across the world. The young officers broke this basic principle and deviated from the selected aim and given target. They went after something that they thought was very important, and in the bargain burnt their fingers. If they had only stuck on to the given target of destroying the bridge across the river, the Army could have won the battle easily.
'Selection and maintenance of an aim' is an essential principle of success not only in the battle fields of the world, but also in the battle fields of life. We need to stick on to our chosen goal in spite of the difficulties that may arise on the way. Life's battles are won by those who are able to persevere till the end. 'He who turns back after putting his hand on the plough is not worthy to be my disciple declared the Divine Master. The opposite of 'best' in spiritual life is not 'worst' but 'better'. Hence, the option before us is 'better' or 'best'? If we opt for better', we will lose the battle.
Acharyasri Dr. Sachidananda Bharati is an Air Force Squadron leader turned sanyasi, who represented India in the United Nations assembly of religious leaders from across the world. He has written many books and has travelled extensively.