An eaglet’s way of learning to fly is one of the best lessons I have learned from nature. The mother eagle takes her eaglet to a very high point in the sky and then simply drops it. As the eaglet falls, the mother swoops down and picks it back up again. She does this over and over until the eaglet spreads its wings and soars through the air. The moral could be that all those failures, obstacles and threats which appear in life are part of an intensive training that Nature organises with an intention of empowering us. Again, we see the mother eagle relentlessly trying to transform her eaglet from lacks to completeness.
In real life, most of us resort to an egg’s way of making another egg, travelling through the most trodden paths, following the most accepted social etiquettes and being religiously spiritual as best as one can, all ending up in the making of a disoriented being - neither an animal nor a human. We have great difficulty in accepting all that comes in, instead we are programmed to resort to a series of religious torments, beginning from repeated petitionel prayers to planned self-tortures. No institutions focus on sharing the fact that everything that happens in life either heals us or empower us. It is the commitment of the mother eagle that touched me the most. I feel that it is not simply the outcome of an instinctive response. The mother eagle lives by a conscious enthusiasm to live the way of an eagle, all through life. Eagle is not the only animal that has a natural operating system installed within. The inner urge to be a human being is a dominant passion within us too, but we either refuse to respond to that or waits for an appropriate occasion to express ourselves. But, men of integrity never wait for a motivating word or a logically acceptable situation to appear for a cause. They live a human life every moment.
Recently, we received a mail from one of the ‘Share and Learn’ subscribers. The man said that he was born at so and so place, qualified from so and so university and chose to work in a remote village as a School teacher. Let me quote his own words, “…….I chose to live a life of service, empowering and uplifting the life of children and underprivileged because I found if given them a chance they will extend their wings and soar high into the sky and it’s very enriching. And that’s the best I can do for humanity and for our country.” He is not the only one of that kind I know. I think that if at least religions would have promoted the mother eagle’s style of helping others, the world would have been a better place to live in. We have babe’s associations to spirit’s associations. But, how many among them care to help another humanet soar high?