Oh! My Great God!
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- 29-11-2022
- 01 Min Read
History begins at this moment. We can move to the past and the future from this moment. If there s no present, then there is no past and future. The past that is relevant to the present alone can be known. The future that cannot be foreseen from the present is irrelevant. The irrelevant remote past and the distant future are vague. Any human effort to build up remote past history and distant future imagination ends up in irresponsible speculations.
Speculation is an abstract exercise. People make speculative history which leads to the building up of illogical and impractical Knowledge Systems. We have had too many examples of such futile exercises in the annals of history. So what is advisable is not to go beyond the reach of the present both in past and future. Therefore, it has been conceived on the basis of experience that time past and time present are in time present.
The communion of the past, present and future gives birth to a new concept of time, which is entirely different from the linear concept of time. The linear concept describes time as an incessant flow of having unknown beginning and unknown time. And what is known is only something in between the beginning and the end. The Indian concept of time is entirely different from the linear concept and it is known as the cyclic concept of time, in which time past and time future are converged in at a single point that is time present. This is the logical basis of the Indian belief that there is an end in every beginning and a beginning in every end. Naturally, no beginning can be a first beginning and no end can be a final end. Therefore, there is death in the every ‘sperm of life’ and life in the end of death. Hence, what is possible to have is a life cycle having birth, sustenance, death and again rebirth. This is what is meant by ‘Sansara Chakra’.
These texts are as given by Dr K S Radhakrishnan, a renowned writer and an voracious reader, during 2010-2014. These posts help us dig into the inner meanings of Indian culture, Scriptures and heritage.