Words Versus Spirit
Acharyasri Dr. Sachidananda Bharati
- Unusual Turns / 63
- 29-11-2022
- 02 Min Read
"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey." Stephen R. Covey
Religions are concrete social expressions of human quests after Truth. They help us understand the true goal and meaning of life. Scriptures of religions are divinely inspired. But they are written in human languages by human beings and therefore are subject to human errors and are also subject to linguistic and cultural limitations. There are always contextual and eternal values and teachings embedded in all scriptures. The contextual elements are to be ignored after that particular context is no more prevalent. The eternal is to be preserved and cherished. The eternal unites, the contextual divides.
The eternal values constitute the common meeting ground of religions. Scriptures and sacraments, cults and rituals, codes and creeds are for uniting people and for helping them find peace and happiness. Words often tend to divide. Spirit alone can unite. Hence, more than the words written in Scriptures, the spirit behind them is to be understood and cherished. Much of the conflicts among religions come from the fact that the followers of different religious traditions do not understand and respect the scriptures of other religions. Many think that theirs is the only true scripture and that only they have received revelations from God. As a result, mutual hostility and mistrust grow among religions. Competition to promote the 'only true religion' arises.
All religions have their saints and sages who deserve respect and reverence from all seekers of truth, goodness and beauty. Sainthood and holiness are not the monopoly of any one religion. All saints and sages of humankind, irrespective of their religious background need to be revered by all, as all of them are recipients and reservoirs of the grace of God. Sincere adherence to their noble eternal teachings can help others also grow in holiness of life and experience of God the two spiritual attributes common to all true saints and sages of humanity.
India seeks for experience rather than knowledge in the spiritual field. 'Anubhava' personal experience, is the goal and core of India's religious quest. It is to men and women of experience that the seekers of Truth turn for guidance and help. One also has to keep in mind that there is so much goodness in the worst of us and there is so much evil in the best of us. Therefore even saints and sages can have their negative and shadow areas. Their words and deeds sometimes may not be in spiring and exemplary. One's own life is often the best test of one's holiness and sanctity. 'A tree is known by its fruits'.
Acharyasri Dr. Sachidananda Bharati is an Air Force Squadron leader turned sanyasi, who represented India in the United Nations assembly of religious leaders from across the world. He has written many books and has travelled extensively.